Friends in High Places

Are you a friend of mine, is that a contradiction in terms or what?

The monkey suit, what difference does a monkey suit make? Does everyone know? Ever been so excited, so just couldn't help yourself?

What is the reason for gifted people? How should they implement their gift? Can they keep their gift for themselves? Can they hide it? Can they save a little bit on the side? Should their gift be bought and sold?

The gift of any person should not be bought and sold, for it is given to them to help the people?

What about helping yourself? Well, by helping the people you can't help helping yourself.

Should you give your all, for fear of not having enough to sustain yourself.... Yes, if that's the way you want it back. However, the God I know, the gifts he has given me are endless, infinite, powerful, all I have to do is share UNCONDITIONALLY. Will they ever lift you higher than them?

They want you there for them, but they don't have to be there for you, but... When you are so excited, they'll just brush you off. But when they are excited, you must listen and provide support, until death do you part. It's all about them and we are the giver in all our relationships... what goes around, comes around and it doesn't take long either.

Can you give away all your love and leave yourself empty handed? Share it as it was shared with you, unconditionally and in good faith. Things yes, but not love...The more, the merrier.

tIME, do friends in high places have it? Thank God I have friends in Low Places. You don't have to image anything, it's right there in your face.

You do know if you solved the world's problems, then you couldn't (curse word) have a JOB. Is that the devil or what? The crime rate speaks for us all.

(((your inner

I am ashamed of dick and pussy, but not to click here!

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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