Where Does It All Start

Want to know why we're all going down, no matter how good you think you are...

Can everyone be scholar? Where is the scholar in you? Why don't Americans want to serve? 

Then, why do we need all this input from others, all this formal education? Why aren’t the teachings from our parents enough? Why have we made “formal education” a lifelong process and common sense a thing of the past?

During my watch, mandatory education was implemented to compliment home training and enforced because it was believed some institutions and parents refused to allow their children to participate in formal education to better themselves, thereby handicapping the child the future of this country. It was believed that a child would perform better by learning reading, writing and arithmetic, in a formal setting.

Today, that theory has proven to be “just another empty promise” and formal mandatory education has become a lifelong burden around the necks of the very citizens it was created to serve. This burden has been intensified by rapid changes in an extremely competitive, grossly fragmented, economic and social society, even to the point schools aren’t able to keep up.  Diplomas and degrees have evolved into paid titles to deny those deserving (the majority) and to accept those already poised for success (the minority) and the whole formal education system has fallen victim to cronyism and corruption. Our lives are consumed with how to beat the next guy instead of how to help him.

I don’t know what formal mandatory education produces, but I do know what it produced and it is not pleasant. It is nothing like what they said it would be and nobody says anything. What happens when you do not have money? How, why do you teach a person to be something they're not? As a result, the majority of Americans are coming away feeling more betrayed, confused, let down, shocked, selfish… than ever before in the history of this land. Every year hundreds of thousands graduate to a rude awakening – NOTHING. Even less than nothing, because what was there has quickly vanished and what’s left has been outsourced and/or consumed by, what insiders would consider, total strangers.

So what do you do with all these “selfish people” (lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient, depressed...) before they destroy each other? Currently, we’re being told to “go back to school” until further notice. Now, instead of school preparing you for a better life, school has become your life-style, consequently, we’re a much less creative, innovative and helpful people. We can’t do shit for self, not even think. We can't help ourselves.

The thing about all of that is, increasingly our lives are being dictated and our ability to do for self is a thing of the past. Too many chiefs and no workers, we're quickly perishing. We are but wards of state and our government has taken on the role of performing all our family duties, while we do what for them? You even have fewer choices and freedom than before going to school. Are you to put your life on hold while going back to school? What about family and growth?

Does our government desire this kind of a citizen, how is he productive? When the people are not productive how can the government be? How can we be a strong economy? How do you get all of this upside down turn right side up? Every single person has to pitch in.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. And where does it start?

Everyone cannot be great scholars but everyone can be GREAT by serving and it all starts by listening and obeying your inner voice.

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Formal and Informal Education - Your-Inner-Voice.com


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