Why are you on a Black Dating Website

That's the questioned I asked a few of my white female friends, over 50 years of age and here are a few of their responses.

Female friend 1: I discovered, once I was interested in dating again, that I'm not interested in white men, especially my age. They have been domineering, too traditional. Black men...so far in my experience, are soft at heart, especially younger they see women as equals, and I am attracted to that. I'm passionate about justice, equal rights, and see homesteading as a viable option to thriving in this time.

Female friend 2: Lol because I am attracted to nice black men. It actually came up as a pop up when I had my computer. I'd never been online before so I tried it. I have met some nice people. I've met guys who obviously use this as their playground . But I'm actually hopeful there's nice men out there??

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