I'm happy ran across this page! What happens when you're caught?

Your disappearance is unknown to most and a mystery to others. Our concern is so little, we wonder; and just as quick as it came, it goes.

I can only imagine how you feel about all giving some and some giving all. You gave up your freedom for pain and suffering, and we have no earthly idea why?

Where are you and what are you going through, but at the end of the day I think you are here with me. Keep your head to the sky!

As long as there is one POW or MIA, we all are POWs and MIAs. Know, even though we do not know you personally, we appreciate the ultimate sacrifice spiritually. I could promise you the world but I can't promise we're a good place.

(((your inner voice.com)))

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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