The Word nigger

Discussions of whether or not to use the word NIGGER?

Sometimes called the N-word, Nigger Please! Foul mouth niggers, why does a word make you mad! Niggers are a trip. Niggers sitting around complaining about the use of the word nigger, when it is used all the time. Would you fight every time you heard the word?

What about your ancestors, if you see they were offended change that, but you can't change the others. So why keep begging a cracker to call you something? If they talked about Jesus Christ....

What sense does it make to come up with reason to negatively judge each other, based upon what somebody else said about what we all do?

Some folk claim they are offended by the word, but I ask them aren't you more offended by the acts and your "do nothing behavior" except blame the use of the word nigger.

Why do we create and give negative meaning to fighting words? Why do we even have fighting words? Why would you fight over a word and will not fight over injustices.

What if you chose to use another word instead, would it have the same meaning. I would rather see crime lower than get myself all confused about the use of the word nigger. Life is too short.

The word nigger ain't no worse than the word cracker or any other word be it profanity, vulgar, sexist... You give the meaning to words and you cannot control what other say. It ain't what you say as much as it is what you do. Grow from it. If you don't like it, don't answer to it. Simple

The use of profanity

YOUR inner voice

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