Wars I'm Fighting

I used to think I had it going on...retired army and everything but now I know better and am sharing it...

I'm fighting two wars, the closest to me being a racial war and the other which is equally as deadly, is a humanitarian war, a war to live just like any other human being.

People would like for me to believe these wars only exist in my mind, but every time I go out, I am confronted by one or two of these enemies.

Racial War. You would like for me to believe my color doesn't matter, when you know you hate me and cause me to do things to prove otherwise, just because of my color.

Human being war. You would like for me to believe I have the human rights entitled to any human being, but you know you're cutting me off on every corner and if I do not let you know it hurts, you'll keep doing the same thing.

How do I know these wars are real? I spent 23 years fighting an enemy with whom I had no quarrel. How dumb is that?

How can I have a civil right when I never had human rights? I've spent an entire life time serving an enemy, disguised as a friend, with whom we quarrel on every front, especially when it comes to race and human rights. He wins every time.

The crazy part about this all is, I've managed to survive, as daily I see my fellow man fall victim to these evil ways. So that tells me, my time is coming soon.

Do I want to die a coward or a decent human being? Do I live as a coward or a decent human being? Do I even know what is a decent human being?

(((your inner voice.com)))

Do people really want to be good?

Poor Financial Management

The conservation of human rights?

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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