Back to Back Issues Page Weekly #009
February 25, 2005 “Weekly”


Issue #009, Friday, 25 February 2005


TGIF---Thank God It’s FRIDAY---TGIF


And again welcome to “Weekly”.  First, I would like to say thank you to those who braved the powerful forces of the internet by subscribing to our site and weekly newsletter. It only helps us to grow together.


This week we have more interesting and rewarding information that we would like to share with you. It has to do with putting money into your pocket and if you are reading this, you are one step ahead of the others, especially those that do not yet own computers.


We also have very enlightening information for those that are moonlighting. Bet you hadn’t heard that term in a while.  Yes, those that are leading themselves to an early grave by working two very stressful jobs. I hit this pretty hard but it’s true. If you know like I do and after reading some of the articles that we have included, I think you will agree.  And best of all, it is all free.


Finally, do not forget to click on our promotional links below.  We would love to hear from you.


Have A Computer???---

Is it just another piece of furniture? Is it just another luxury items? Is it just another bill?  Is it just another fancy word processor with more storage space??? Do you really know how to get the most out of it? Is your computer making-you-money???


Have The Internet or a website??? ---Does it pay you or Do you just pay for it?


If you answered yes to any of the above questions and are not willing to take action; You must be rich!!!!  For those that are not rich and would like to take action to reverse that “curse”; here are: 2 Free Clicks--That I Highly Recommend ---They Could Change The Rest of Your Computer’s Life

  1. Make Your SiteSell  At least sign your computer up to become a SiteSell Affiliate --- It is free and your computer can make money from that.
  2. Are you new to the net, not too sure of who, what, when, where or how to get started? Well here it is and It is free!!! The Most Potent Force In Internet Marketing


Moonlighting--- For more information click here. Moonlighting 


Everything I need to know, I learned from Noah's Ark... Noah's Ark


For the kids

Our kids are more often involved and experimenting with the internet than we adults.  That’s a dangerous thing. To help Keep them out of harm’s way we’ve included all the safety information that we possibly could. Click the link below to ensure your kids are the most informed. Read and discover with them. Make sure they get started properly. Scroll the entire page. ChildreNet


Of all the advice I can offer to ensure that our kids’ use of the Internet is a positive and educational experience, there’s no doubt that the best of all is to share the experience with them. Surf the Web with your kids! You’ll probably be surprised at how much they know!

“Open Your eyes to reality”---the threats lurking on the Internet and their consequence!


Kids In Grade School Think Fast  ChildreNet


If you have a child that’s very fond of the internet, do not just let them browse---Get them a site and put their skills to work. It could be the most rewarding family venture or investment you ever made.  Our sites are safe and easy to build and a wealth of information is available to help, I even built one.


“Celebrating a History Within a Nation of Histories”
February is “Black History Month,” a time to celebrate the history, culture and contributions of African-Americans.


The human race that endured gross atrocities and great sacrifices, during the three hundred plus years of slave labor, used to make America the great country that it is today.


Black history has been recognized in the U.S. since 1926, first as “Negro History Week” and later as “Black History Month. Black History


In 1638, the first African slaves arrived at Boston in the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Few English settlers thought to question the ancient institution of slavery—although it never existed in England—and most whites condoned the profitable international black slave trade. Ooophs, I almost went with the status quo. Let us see Here----


How are we doing today??? The African-American Door


The most rewarding gift you will ever have an opportunity to give is

THE HOLY BIBLE  It has the power to inspire, encourage, comfort and change lives. I enjoy listening to it and you can too by clicking on this link  The Audio-Bible

Visit our website for more encouragement, inspiration, education, and other topics of importance to jump start your day:

Our prayer is that you will check us out and subscribe to receive”Weekly


With God ALL things are possible Matthew 19:26;  Today’s Subject: "A Man Ought to Examine Himself” ;  Why we keep going through the same problems?  For more information read Today's Message.

Twilight Hopes How one Family Dealt and is dealing Grief from the loss of a love one  If you are Anticipating or Coping with the same, this is a must read to better understand the grief that accompanies such a loss. In the most sincere heart felt open and honest manner, this book offers great information, comfort and support during your most vulnerable times.

Twilight Hopes


Nita’s Seamstress Shop 28 Years Experience

Nita's Seamstress Shop


Laurence Baker

 “EXPOSED - The Most Potent Force In Internet Marketing You Need To Harness In Order To Unleash Your Internet Marketing Success!” Free E-book Reveals How... ABSOLUTELY FREE!



Collins Tour

Organizational Trips, Conventions, Churches, Casinos, Family or Class Reunions Collins offers charter bus, airport shuttle, sightseeing, group tour and taxi service in over 120 locations in the United States and Canada. Collins Tour


New Cars and Trucks 30 Years Experience

BillyKingSolomon---He is simplyThe Best

New Cars and Trucks


Slater’s Funeral Home, Inc.

Floyd L. Griffin, Sr., President or Ruth E. Griffin, Secretary/Treasurer

Slater's Funeral Home


Until next week and I trust we have shared plenty of information to help you have a great weekend. 








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