Art of Living

What if... and you already know???

well the society is not to be blamed !you have the power as a human being....

What if you've never been treated like a human being? I used to think I knew nothing, whose fault is that?

Who’s the provider in your family? What does being a good provider mean to your life? Why work when it profits and/or prosper you not?

Whose fault is it that you can’t get a long? Whose fault is it that your success hinges on the approval of someone you wouldn’t even trust in your yard? Then, why do you blame the President, look for politicians to make your life easier, join political parties… Are all those things in the Art of Living or do we just over complicate matters?

Just what does a budget has to do with life? Is money a natural resource or is it a manmade thing? Why, do we chose a median of exchange which is (((only produced))) by “the ruling class”? They are the only producers, yet you must work for it. Is that a monopoly or what? Is that why you can’t work for yourself? If you can’t work for yourself, how can you think and live for yourself?

The necessities of life are also the limitations of life – food, clothing, shelter, transportation, are they shared or sold? These necessities directly correlate to my state of health and being. The more necessary they are, the higher the cost. Then you tell me about supply and demand, how is that so when you created all of this mess? How does that resonate with “what God has provided”?

Who provides land and resources, did he charge you? Should they be shared or sold? Why is it that only you have the rights to all the necessities of my life? What good does it do me read, write,… when it’s only of you. Always has been, always will be until I change.

What does that mean to me, the more I work, the higher the costs,  the less I get. What good does it do me to sell the necessities of life to my neighbor? How is that neighborly, how does that help me? What good are your talents, if you sell them to the highest bidder? What good are you doing your country and self and is that the Art of Living?

Is that the kind of living that led us to economic and social decline? How does that correlate to “giving and receiving? Do you now understand why the crime rate is so high? Is it our fault or there’s?

How and why do you punish a man for just trying to survive, yet excuse yourself for using the same and worse survival techniques?

We use a few to keep luring the masses into the traps and pitfalls of life.

Coping with the stresses of life or is it (((living))), why do we make things like alcohol, guns, money…? Even worse, how have they evolved into the weapons of choice?

A man should be able to trade whatever it is found that the next man needs? It’s okay for you to sell alcohol, drugs, money…, but if I do it, I am a serious offender. Everything I do must be approved by you, while everything you do is credited to you. What incentive is there for me to do anything when I must first pay you? Paying to live or living to live - Human Rights? How can you live when you do not know how and never did? What's your emegency plan, your backup?

Increased spending while inflicting devastating tax increases is killing hundreds of thousands...!!!

Respecter of life, there’s a special sense of confidence, life, liberty and happiness in knowing you can provide for yourself. And there’s satisfaction in knowing and telling the truth. These things make up the Art of Living. When you (((know nothing))) everything is revealed to you - The Art of Living.

(((your inner 

Merry Christmas and HNY!

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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