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A man who calls himself a reverend, happens to be black and still neglects or downright trashes the indelible memory of a much greater man – Dr. Martin …

I finally understand and feel what Marvin Gaye meant in his song when he said "make me want to holler and throw up both my hands!!" All the negative …

Women’s Corner…….. SISTER!!! SISTER!!! What is ME TIME? 
Holiday season is here and that's a good thing. Time for rest and relaxation, but isn't it amazing how we have packed this time full with even more ripping …

Men, why is it so hard to leave a bad relationship? 
I have seen this question posted several places but it is most often addressed to women and portray women as victims. But it takes two to tango and I pose …

Why do White Americans have to have a new car and new house? 
This series is on the study of lifestyles of White Americans. Is it enough to achieve the American dream or do we just continue "acting like for profit"? …


Response to " What Do People of Color Think About White People?" Not rated yet
First, I want to say "Thank You my Brother" for your article. It really baffles me that white folks think we can't see through the smoke screen. Just …

MORINGA of the most nutrient-rich plants in the world.  Not rated yet
Moringa Powder is made from naturally-dried moringa leaves. It has a delicious spinachy green flavour and is: *25% plant protein including all 9 essential …

THINK!!! THINK!! Love and Peace

Messages from "Your Inner Voice" Not rated yet
*People need to learn that their actions do affect other people. Be careful what you say and do. It's not always just about YOU. *You deserve the …

The Aromas of Good Living Not rated yet
I have been bed ridden for the last four weeks and during this time I had time to re-prioritize what is important for "good living". The first thing is …

Dreams Change the World! Not rated yet
“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change …

4th Leading Cause of Death Not rated yet
People know this to be true, they know it to be appalling, but it’s still seen as incomprehensible and absurd. The fourth leading cause of death in …

Amazing Things Not rated yet
Amazing things are all around us, however; time constraints and other choices we take advantage of very few of them. As a matter of fact, we view most …

unchecked judicial activism Not rated yet
“courts are allowing a substantial amount of unconstitutional regulation to go unchecked.” If you think you know whats going on, read this: Congress …

First Good Things about President Trump Not rated yet
He has energized more women than any other President. He has got more fat women exercising than any other president. Is it the system or is it …

Déjà vu…”What’s Going On?” Not rated yet
Déjà vu According to Wikipedia, “Déjà vu, from French, literally "already seen", is the phenomenon of having the strong sensation that an event or experience …

parties, What's the best party you ever attended? Not rated yet
Somebody who really cared. They had it setup for you to do better. whatever your favorite party, why don't we do more of them? What a shame, what …

A Doctorate Degree In Mississippi Not rated yet
My momma told me, if you do not know the full name of someone, you do not know them? We have many reason to appreciate the cleverness of former President …

Veil of Ignorance Not rated yet
Rawls suggests that you imagine yourself in an original position behind a veil of ignorance. Behind this veil, you know nothing of yourself and your natural …

POTUS means Not rated yet
POTUS means President of the United States. But what does Russians allegedly having damaging information about our new President means? Can it be trusted? …

Sometimes you hit'em and... Shit is scary! Not rated yet
Hit'em, that's abuse isn't it? Well, not in this way. What i'm saying is: Sometimes you hit'em and sometimes you miss'em? There are a few who hit more …

Bed Bugs??? Not rated yet
Do you wake up especially with small insect bites clustered around your arms, neck, back (or any area of your body that is exposed while sleeping)? Is …

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The Ideal Female, consensus Not rated yet
A chef in the kitchen, a lady/maid in the living room, and a whore in bedroom: Don't get me twisted, but at age 50, Christian and all, is this still …

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! 2017 IS THE YEAR!! Not rated yet

First Times Not rated yet
There is a first time for everything and it does not happen until you make the first step.

Old folk telling lies Not rated yet
Why was it considered so disrespectful and subject to "ass whooping" if you called an older person a liar? They could tell lies on you but you had better …

Anything new gets Old! Not rated yet
We are a society obsessed with the notion of "new". Do you realize how many evil deeds are carried out under this notion? Most notable is the person …

Art "1979", Falls Church, Va Not rated yet
Art in the kitchen

Speaking the truth and haters Not rated yet
Society has become so fake, the truth actually bothers people and the good stuff gets ignored. Good food, drink, clothes, housing, sex, transportation,,, …

The Differences Between White Folk Shit and Black Folk Shit in America Not rated yet
In America, what is the difference between White Folk Shit and Black Folk Shit? How did these two piles of shit rise to international acclaim and world …

Donald Trump or Hillary "Wild Bill" Clinton featuring "Barack Obama" Not rated yet
Talking about "passing the touch". What do you know, i mean personally, really, from your own personal experience... Tell the truth,,, other than "what …

What can be done to improve relationships between police and communities Not rated yet
What would cause a police to shoot to kill a member of his own state, city, town, community, village, family? We kind of understand when it is one citizen …

Hillary with a tongue ring Not rated yet
It looks like a tongue ring from here...and happy to show it.

Human Rights experts find racial discrimination in the USA alive and thriving Not rated yet
The United States is still a long way away from dealing with the systemic and institutionalised racial discrimination that plagues it on all levels, a …

Actor's Stunning Claim Not rated yet
Why is what this actor said heard over what anyone else is saying??? He said that police officers and the military don't like Obama and implied that …

Seneca Village...Central Park Not rated yet
Central Park’s landscape near the West 85th Street entrance looks much like the rest of the Park, featuring rolling hills, rock outcrops, and towering …

Same Sex, is it really better Not rated yet
It is nothing new but our society had a hard time going public with what already was acceptable behavior. Somewhere between there and then this behavior …

What Happens When You are "Given" all you need! Not rated yet
There is so much effort to give our children, to give them more than what we had, to pave the way for them, insurance, inheritance, education, job training... …

American moving away from beauticians Not rated yet
Why are Americans abandoning the idea of going to their beauticians/hair stylists. Why are Americans loosing their hair, going bald? What kind of chemicals …

Should Pregnant Women Work Customer Service Not rated yet
Talk about taking good care of our women and children? You know how it is when you're seriously shopping for something and a kid is the only sales person.... …

Clinton White House, a den of cocaine and mistresses: Not rated yet
A former Secret Service Agent alledge this. Do you believe this to be true and why? Well you know there was the Monica Lewinsky scandal. As the first …

Traditional breakfast foods have been removed from the diet Not rated yet
Why have most traditional American breakfast foods been removed from the diet? Since most of the traditional breakfast foods have been removed from the …

Do you often find yourself wondering why things aren't going your way? Are you carrying a grudge for someone and you even think you hate them? Well... …

Ingredients 4 cups sweet potato, cubed 1/2 cup white sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons butter, softened 1/2 cup milk Topping: …

Recycle...Imagination....Creation Not rated yet
All in a days work....Master Craftsman.

the very rich Not rated yet
the very rich have rigged the system in their favor with the help of venal politicians

Sweet Potato Layer Cake Recipe Not rated yet
TOTAL TIME: Prep: 35 min. Bake: 25 min. + cooling MAKES: 10-12 servings Ingredients 1-1/2 cups canola oil 2 cups sugar 4 eggs, separated …

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Discerning the Difference between Sanity and Insanity Not rated yet
The older I get the harder it becomes to recognize what is sane and what is insane. I was told that the older you get you are suppose to get wiser but …

Religions see things one way! Not rated yet
It is okay for them to convert you but not okay for you to convert them. Where is the sharing in this? It is forgivable for them to have slaves but …


Thank you for sharing this insightful and truthful piece Not rated yet
Thank you for sharing this insightful and truthful piece. One would have to have taken leave of one's senses to find much to disagree with in your article: …

Perseverance in ACTION!! Not rated yet
PERSEVERANCE ...steady persistence in a course of action , a purpose, a state, etc., especially in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement. …

What Is More Serious Than ICU??? Not rated yet
Life Threatening Situations we create!!!

Traditional Lasagna Recipe Not rated yet
TOTAL TIME: Prep: 30 min. plus simmering Bake: 70 min. + standing MAKES: 12 servings Ingredients 1 pound ground beef 3/4 pound bulk pork …

Losing Your Best Friend Not rated yet
As we go through life, we meet, interact and become friends with many, many people. However, it is a gift from God when you find that one person who …

DECEPTION: Who Is the Real LIAR? Not rated yet
Do you lie to yourself more than you lie to others or vice versa? It has been shown that the average person lies several times a day. Some of those …

TIME OUT!! It’s Time to Set the Record Straight! Not rated yet
The media wants us to believe “black women don’t get along”. This is an outright LIE! The current TV shows portray black women as back-stabbing, side-eyeing, …

87 Years Old and Still Turning Heads!! Not rated yet
A positive self-image as you get older can be difficult to come by for some people. When you look in the mirror you see your sagging skin or wrinkles appearing …

Your Child Came Home and Said: They killed a kid??? Not rated yet
What if your child came home and said: "They killed another kid"? Their story was, they were involved in an altercation on the playground where one …

The Chickens Come Home to Roost.. Not rated yet
What does "the chickens come home to roost" mean? It means "Bad deeds or words return to discomfort their perpetrator." Well, if this is true, …

AGREE TO DISAGREE... Not rated yet
BFF's know how to agree to disagree and keep moving forward to build a better life!!

ALERT! ALERT!! Not rated yet
In spite of the chaos and confusion man creates, remember God is always in CONTROL. Even though the water from the damn was raging, God appeared …

All I Want For Christmas... Not rated yet
All I want for Christmas is joy and peace of mind!! Isn't it amazing how we sacrifice to help others and it still isn't enough. We help our family(parents, …

racism and xenophobia  Not rated yet
Racism and xenophobia divides us. Xenophobia refers to dislike or fearing unknown or something different from you. homosexual people can easily become …

Radicalization as with the California Shooters Not rated yet
the dark path of radicalization, act of terrorism designed to kill innocent people. Worked at the county health department, a 28-year-old restaurant …

Butter or Margarine?? Not rated yet
Margarine was originally manufactured to fatten turkeys. When it killed the turkeys, the people who had put all the money into the research wanted a …

Curing Stupidity Not rated yet
Did you know curing stupidity is against the law, illegal?

'Oligarchic Form Of Society' Citizens United Not rated yet
'Oligarchic Form Of Society'-Nation both economics an politics are controlled by the most wealthy. Controlled by a handful of billionaire families, …

The billionaire class Not rated yet
How to be a billionaire? can you get anywhere being you? Did you miss that class? People only concerned about PROFIT, using your money to achieve their …

Man Cheats Credit Score Not rated yet
1 simple trick & my credit score jumped 217 pts. Banks hate this! First it was a hand shake and a man's word. Then a signature, collateral, then …

"Believe you can and you’re halfway there." Not rated yet
Sometimes I think I'm a pretty bad person. Too often I find myself on the other side from those by which I am surrounded. It's a hypocritical kind of situation. …

Barack’s Bites: President Obama’s Chili Recipe Not rated yet
“I’ve been using this chili recipe since college and would bring it to any potluck. I can’t reveal all the secrets, but if you make it right, it’s just …

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Another Beautiful Work of Art Not rated yet
...LADDER PLANT STAND, by A & D Woodworking

Wisdom of Indigenous Americans Not rated yet
1. A good man sees good signs. 2. In order to listen to yourself, you need the silent days. 3. If you notice that you ride on a dead horse - get …

Books??? Not rated yet
a pic worth a thousand words.

Plus size ad campaign for donuts Not rated yet
In the protection of natural beauty. Curvy body is now everywhere, even in very young girls. I want to be part of the change, rather than part of the …

Show the world Not rated yet
Show the world where you from. It all started with Karina Ershova. photo by Karina Ershova

the beast inside Not rated yet
What a creation! Just like animals, hunt you down and eat you alive. You can't deny the beast inside. photo by Korolina Dzhons

bow with arrows Not rated yet
(a bow with arrows) predates recorded history and is common to most cultures. What If it was just arrows or just bows? But bow and arrows, let'em fly! …

What Makes you family? Not rated yet
Pulling together is to avoid being pulled apart. Blood makes you related, loyalty makes you family. The journey of life is not easy, but I am dead set …

Making a Plan Not rated yet
You never know when life is going to cut you short, just know it will and live like that. All else goes but memories remain with us.

Problems in my life! Not rated yet
Great example, the cure for pain, never knew it could mean so much.

nurturing and discipline Not rated yet
How should we raise our children, if you want them to behave respectfully? The full name of this symbol translates to: The full name of this symbol …

The most profound words today 2015! Not rated yet
It is so amazing how what used to the most profound words have evolved into today. The most profound words we live by today are "shot and killed, and …

The latest on Christians Not rated yet
I'm Black, African-Amrican, Negro,boy, Nigger, who gave me all those names, anything but white and sick and tired of Black people promoting Christianity, …

A Black Man's Greatest Down Fall Not rated yet
Want to know why there's so much dissension within the ranks? Want to know why Black America doesn't own shit? Joice Mujuru, 59, fell out with Mugabe …

Kim Davis release from Prison Not rated yet
Kim Davis, Rowan County, Kentucky "clerk" was jailed for refusing to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, has been released from prison. She's …

MeetUp People Over 50 and Sexy! Not rated yet
Over 50 and feeling sexy, this may be your opportunity!!! I say fifty but I'm damn near sixty, boy how time flies. That'll be sixty feeling fifty! …

Vintage Window Coffee Table Not rated yet
Make your own! That old window frame, don't know what to do with it? Make a nice patio table. It makes a great conversation piece and/or a nice gift. …

A BAd Attitude Is a Reflection of Who? Not rated yet
I saw a poster that read "A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You can't get very far until you change it." This is a very profound statement and very …

The Hole in Your Heart Is Too Deep... Not rated yet
How do you help someone when no matter what you do is never enough? You find yourself doubting your good nature. You wonder if you are in denial of the …

Why are Black Americans so Trusting of White Americans? Not rated yet
Everything we do is about supporting and attaining white power, white control and no benefit for Black People. Black people, especially black Americans …

Euthanasia Vans Not rated yet
Doctor Death is back with a vengeance is mine attitude! Somebody has finally come up with what they think as the best means of getting rid of too many …

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