Getting Over Being Black

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Getting Over Being Black

Who said? You are? Why, what were their intentions? What does it mean? Are we happy being who they say we are? Is it a plus, why would anybody want to call you something they consider themselves above? Why would you accept this?

Why is it so hard to find understanding in this skin, why does one feel the need to explain what needs not, what’s so obvious, it can’t be explained? They have so many choices but I'm not invited to none.

We’re not them nor are we who they say we are? Who are they and what does it mean knowing who they say they are?

Getting over being Black is getting over yourself. The first this, the first that, what does this say for all those before us, just how did they survive, was it better or worse?

Did we just arrive or what? Why today we're still identifying with the first, when we know we're the last? Can the last brother be the first?

Telling a lion he's a lion, what does that do for him, does he know he's also referred to as the King of Jungle?

(((your inner

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