The Garden of Life

Plowing and Planting

In the garden, a hoe is still a hoe, which is still a noble tool and position from which to work. So, when it comes to life and who's responsible for what, why is there so much stress, depression, confusion and chaos? Why are you looking for a job? Have you ever heard, you reap what you sow?

Plowing the garden and Planting the Seeds

All I do is till the gardens and plant the seed, so what remains?

Who owns the land on which our garden is planted?

Who’s responsible for maintaining the gardens?

Who determines who is invited back – reciprocation and what happens if hurt, harm and/or danger is encountered?

What are the roles of the very young and very old? Who shares in the bounty?

Underlying agendas, you reap what you sow.

Life is a garden

(((your inner

 If A Man Really Cares

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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