Porn Sunday replaced by Sunday Football

A model, a role model, a minister and a general all went into a closet together.... next thing, we had a new president.....Serious politics or is that business. guess Hillary just couldn't get that secret wink down?

Porn Sunday is an event organized by several hundred churches in the United States and around the world to feature the issues of pornography and sexual ... Make today porn day. Now, I know I don heard it all. Will there be naked ladies, men, I know we don't have Child porn... does one refer to the other as sick?

Which is sicker,,, the man on porn sunday, the gun carrying Christian, the Christians who feel they had to fight for this land. I thought the native americans welcome you,,,a bow and arrow was a good did this shooting gun stuff come to America?

It was alright porn,,, until you came here and participated without responsibility. You came here to steal, kill and destroy and that is all you have done, in tow with your greatest accomplice,,,Black Americans... We should be ashamed to call ourselves American, but instead we are ashamed to call ourselves, black, negro, colored, .... And we say it is a good thing.. a career, a business opportunity, small, large, big and you say porn is bad....

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