What is Your Headline?

Know thyself!

Taj Tariq Bey, his wife and Louis Carol study, teach and do.

Why so much stress, confusion, chaos, nothingness in our neighborhoods? The one person you're at odds with? How can I fight for civil rights, yet not understand Human Rights?

How can I properly present myself, without a good understanding of whose I am and from where I come?

What does any of this mean to you? Do you accept me looking like this? Is it because it's unappealing or is it "you just don't know"?

Muur truth seekers and change agents. Is the Ankh (cross with a handle) really the key to life? Why did our Ancient Ancestors use it? Why did they think so?

International Declaration of Washitaw Muurs Sovereignty -spread far and wide

The Washitaw Nation History

(((your inner voice.com)))

seeds of light

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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