all the criminal shit done in America but no outcry???

Americans are literally driving themselves mad and in a great state of denial about it all.

Why America? For one reason this is where I live, the lies we tell, innocent people killed, what is the justification for this, why do we accept it and I want to do all I can to minimize pain and suffering.

When you know what’s going on, you will have to do better. It wouldn’t be so bad if any of these crimes against humanity was not blatant or targeted at a huge number of people and intentionally done to exterminate People of Color in America and if we do this, then what's happening to the people responsible?

Why would a country and its government, sworn to protect its people, land and resources be so cruel and inhumane as to implement means and measures to destroy them? Why would the same people be so cruel and inhumane as to be silent about this all? What can be gained by such destructive behavior?

Crime, mental illness has gotten so bad in America, most mature Americans are afraid to venture outside, especially in certain communities and during hours of limited visibility. It seems we cannot install enough security measures to combat this criminal activity, hence Americans are literally driving themselves mad and in a great state of denial about it all , consequently, there is no outcry.

Even crazier, mass media seek out incidents of this kind of domestic violence and abuse in other lands to expose it, even to the point of employing military action, while these same crimes being committed in America are treated as "business as usual".

Think we can do anything to curve the alarming grow of incarceration rate, well, why do we think creating larger and more sophisticated prisons are working?


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