Art's Chickens

lots of work but oh what joy they share.

These are my chickens and they're giving plenty of eggs, right now.

They're about 1 year old as of May 2014 and there are 24 of them. There are 10 barred rocks, 9 Rhode Island Reds and 5 white leg horns, no rooster. These jokers are consuming approximately 100 lbs. of food per month, 6 gallons of water every three days and lay an average of a dozen eggs per day.

This is where it all started for me with chickens:  First Eggs Thanksgiving 2010 - Your Inner Voice

(((your inner

Catawba Worms - Your Inner Voice

Earthworm Bed - Your Inner Voice

My Country Garden - Your Inner Voice

Snake In My Garden - Your Inner Voice

HOneycomb Shelves w/bees - Your Inner Voice

Eggs help Burns - Your Inner Voice

Two Giant Easter Eggs - Your Inner Voice

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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