Infinite Peace 

poem by Susan Hayes

The gift which keeps on giving and I would like to share it with you...Art

Love not Hate!

Infinite Peace

Infinite Peace, Infinite Love,

Sprinkling down from above,

What a weekend, for us to share,

Ending up more aware


God moves in mysterious ways,

This is true, I do believe,

To help each other to receive,

The Divine wisdom meant for us,

Was given to heal the wounds of……….love!


No! That is wrong, for love is good,

But some of the journey is filled with wood,

Making it hard to grasp the point,

How to love without, disjoint,


Fill your heart, fill your soul,

With the love you can hold,

Be blessed and know when love is true,

All is well for me and you. -- Susan Hayes

To Art @ (((your inner

Change by Susan Hayes

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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