Young ideas Older People?

I think on the difference in people. How one can manage to create and/or bring an idea into fruition, especially when it seems their at a greater disadvantage?

Would a rich person give you the time of day? This difference in people, some embrace it and some don't.

The  common ones I run into just wouldn't take the time, with the attitude of I'm wasting my time because you ain't going to pay. They call it "business", but I call it lacking in what you want in return, respect. They want you to pay but they don't want to play. So, go on about your business. They would just ignore someone like me. Not Jet Boat Miami, Florida. They're quite interested in rejuvenating your spirit, by offering you a boating experience like no other.

It was an honor to participate in such a machine vs. man adventure.

Why have all the fun alone? there's jet skiing and there's jet boating... I appreciate younger people "willing to share".

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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