Laws prohibiting, preventing U.S.,

Why must I dress up to tell the truth?

From where did you learn that?

Laws prohibiting, preventing U.S., Why? How do you feel about their President?

Do they know something you don’t? Are they going right or wrong? Is it a step forward or a step backwards?

Why would anyone, especially a country, feel it best benefits them to strictly prohibit or specifically prevent United States citizens from being employed in any organization that deals with politics? Are they at odds with American citizens?

I mean we’re God’s gift to the rest of the world, so much so, we adopt their children. As a matter of fact, we’re their greatest client when it comes to adoption. All we ever do is help others and protect our people, what's wrong with that? Do Black people count, what about Native Americans? Who are you asking? Who's left?

How do you feel about that? ARe we getting better or worse? Would you tell the truth? For someone who can so easily overlook slavery, what else would they do? It's okay to enjoy, but why enjoy by making others miserable?

Is that how they view a number 1 world power? Do you really feel like that? Is that why our elementary school children are killing themselves? Does that tell you anything?

Why would anyone adopt from a place where the people detest their way of life?

Is it because they know we’re intent on destroying them rather than helping, just as we’re doing to ourselves? How do we feel about our President? Is he just OKAY? that prevents, prohibits United States citizen from being employed in any organization that deals with politics...happening a lot more than United States cares to admit.

(((your inner

Cashed Strapped Zimbabwe

I had a dream

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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