The REal DEal

Fried Chicken, Fish... is it worth it? I sincerely believe they tried to murder old boy. Black Businesses and Jim Crow...The Black EnterPrise!

Do Black People even Respect each other? Why don't black people care for black people? Why don't Black people appreciate Black people? We talk all that shit about opening our own businesses so we don't have to be treated like shit and when we do finally get a business, what normally happens?

Is it for the same reasons I state, is it because of people like me? Remember going to the back door and being treated better?

African-American Businesses look like success. No, this ain't everyone of them, but the mass/vast majority and I've been to enough to know.

Then, they tell you not to talk down about your own business folk, why beat a man while he's down...Just put the shoe on the other foot.

You want like hell to support your people, but there is something there that's scary, stressful as hell. How confident are you at hiring Black Owned and Operated Business to successfully complete a good job, in a timely manner? Especially if you're spending big bucks.

Now, you can say white or other minority businesses all you want, but it is ashamed for a black man to go into the business of another black man just to be ignored, disappointed, lied to like hell. Can't they read body language and understand you ain't up for their shit? Today, man I do not have time to wait 45 minutes for your damn chicken!

The Black Enterprise, kicking it up a notch or two. Two Wings and a Breast.

How do you measure success? What do we mean? The other day I went to a nice Fried Chicken Restaurant…I waited forty-five minutes for my chicken.

Double-whammy because I had a good friend with me. A twenty minute wait I agreed to and rode out to visit the VA cemetery with my friend, in the mean time and that was five miles away.

After returning, knowing my order would be ready, I was even more curious why it wasn’t. After another twenty minute wait, I got my order and was dropped off at home.

Triple-whammy,,, out of two wings and a breast, on wing smelled of “rotten meat”, damn? Food poisoning, I’m glad I avoided that.

Now, you talk about entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship, in minority owned and operated business… My business experience was worse than the Jim Crow Days. Now, it would be two unfair to ping all minority business but my experience was Black on Black crime. You recon they could have offered me something for my effort, time and money, being they’re good business minded. And all of this is coming from a people who claim to be held back.

Somebody is going to say, Did I ask what was the problem??? I was so god damn disappointed,,,all I wanted was my money back. But it wasn't my first visit, I was beginning to like the place. 

Another whammy, so if you shit on a new repeat customer, you will just about shit on anyone. 

The Black Enterprise, kicking it up a notch or two. Two Wings and a Breast.

How do you measure success? What do we mean? The other day I went to a nice Fried Chicken Restaurant…I waited forty-five minutes for my chicken.

Just look a little closer. Accountable, Punctual, Dependable, Customer Service, Quality and a Commitment to Customer Satisfaction? Now, which of the above did they or we violate? I hit them all because I was the Customer.

Next, I did not wait because I knew it was going to take at least forty-five minutes, but because they kept telling me, my order was coming right up. And they didn’t come to me, I went to them!!!

 The rEal Deal, Milledgeville, GA...

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