What good is a mind when you do not use it?

When your brain gets confused, how does it fill in the blanks?

When your brain gets confused, how does it fill in the blanks? What good is a mind when you do not use it?

The brain helps us process information received from our senses and as a result we are able to fill in the missing information. Does that mean you are going to get the desired results?

No, but should you follow your thought process you will not be disappointed in your efforts. So what happens if I decide to ignore my thoughts and go with what others are doing?

You ignore and neglect your most important thoughts, they're excluded from the equation, opportunities are missed, creating greater room for confusion. You don’t want to take the responsibility and just go along with the program. You’ve forfeited your need for being logical and understanding. You leave the doors open for evil and ignore the dangers of what’s actually happening at the cost of not willing to put forth the effort required to follow your own thought process. The more you do this the easier it becomes, the more acceptable it is to disobey your own thinking. What good is a mind when you cannot or do not use it, even one time?

How are the blanks filled in when you’ve neglected the most important part of the entire process? And since we’re all connected, every time one of these opportunities is missed it effects the whole of us.

Is your role predefined or is it dependent upon your every contribution? Your role is an important and necessary piece of the puzzle for the best survival of yOur community(ies). When one family member fails to do what he knows he should, when one, just one family member neglects to take responsibility for their role, then we all suffer.

None of this matter until things go bad and at the most critical moment you make the wrong decision, then who’s responsible, all because you will not allow the blanks to be filled in? Instead you did nothing.

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