what Afrikans do not know about Black Americans

It was Afrikans who set Afrikans up to become African Americans.

African Americans think Afrikans possess an offensive odor.

African Americans feel betrayed by Afrikans and therefore refuse to make it known, what is actually going on.

Because of this false perception, even more Afrikans want to participate in what they are being led to believe is going on in America. The trapped setting more traps for those who trapped them and no one getting rid of traps.

African Americans believe Afrikans to cannibals and here is why: "The problem with Black and White America"

That it is not the White man or Westerner who should be held accountable and responsible for The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade, but the Afrikan, himself.

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"The problem with Black and White America"

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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