Condemning use of the word Nigger 2018

Ever heard of turning negative in to positive or do you hide your head in the sand acting like it does not exist?

Are we really an equal opportunity employer? What about the public use of the word nigger and why are we so sensitive to its use? Ever see a word, you know its meaning but suppose to act like you do not? The dumbing-down of our society...they had me fooled too for a long time.

A very prominent lady in our community condemned and severely admonished me for using the word nigger in her presence, even she was in my building, attending my program and that did not set well with me being treated like this by that kind of nigger. So, I want to publicly address the use of this word, I don’t care who you are nor from where you come. I’ll start with, “Let me get ready for these niggers”.

A little background on this nigger lady. I invited her for a preview of an Art Show, I was hosting. She came by and thinking she was being very helpful, started to pick and move things around, without my permission. She even admonished me about some of the promotional material I displayed, saying they were working to remove this politician from office. Well, I didn’t know, didn’t care, not politically motivated and was happy he made a contribution by donating small items to be given away. She was also very argumentative, that is also what I mean by picky. Further, I know if this same politician made a contribution to her efforts, she would accept no matter his political views.

I also had an opportunity to visit the home of this lady, therefore knew her quality of life was less than desirable, clutter, clutter, clutter, cheap, cheap, cheap. Remember, she had not made any financial contributions to my efforts, nor did she have the ambition to carry out such a project, as a matter of fact I met her upon her request to interview me.

There are some very “ignorant” niggers in this world and one of them are people who condemn others for their use of the NIGGER. They got it so bad that the “N” word, as it refers to the word “nigger”, is a more social and political correct way to voice the word nigger. Use of the word nigger has also been motivated by profits, by those of us who can prove defamation or assassination of character, but this still does not override the fact of how inhumane we still treat each.

The crazy part about people who condemn others for their use of the “N”word is, when angered, they are the greatest offenders. As a matter of fact, their explanation for this hypocritical behavior is very confusing to anyone who wants to have a good understanding of its grammatical use.

The greatest justification for condemning the use of the word nigger by Black Americans is that “they feel it contradicts the plight and fight of our ancestors, who fought against the use of the word”. What word best describes black on black crime? It is a bad people who does not learn from their own mistakes or the mistakes of others.

Even my parents used the word nigger, while at the same time, denouncing public use of the word; they also fought against being treated like a nigger.

Confusing: There is public and private version? Sticks and stones may break my bones but words shall never hurt me? It doesn’t matter what a person calls you, because you don’t have to answer? Niggers know they are niggers, yet want everyone else to think otherwise and this is pretentious behavior and what causes them to act so offended by the word. Niggers want to dictate to other niggers, by showing how more progressive, educated, better than…by condemning.

Truth: Real niggers know real niggers, therefore we not see the word nigger as derogatory, hence, a damn good reason to give honor to the word nigger.  Other than general knowledge, I do not know the origin of the word nigger and really don’t care and being that was yesterday and today, we are living in the moment.

Justification for use of the nigger and/or “N” word. I have 23 years of active duty experience in the United States military and am appalled when someone, who never left their hometown, wants to admonish, condemn, correct, deny… me for sharing what I see, believe and know. You cannot tell me, “there ain’t no such thing as niggers”. I’ve seen them, been tricked by them and/or wanted to kill them. A nigger will cause you to want to kill him, seriously!!! Niggers, come in all shapes, positions, literally they are wolves in sheep’s clothing. One of the more rude awakenings in exposing real niggers is they often disguise themselves as your own race, church or family member but have no loyalty or commitment to nothing above lying, cheating, killing, hurting... And it is very surprising at the large number of niggers sitting in very influential positions.

It's a generational thing and many of these pretentious niggers are about dead and that's a good thing for those of us not fearing or facing our reality.

In case you missed the positive part of this all, it is taking something negative and turning it in to something positive, understanding.

The next time a nigger condemns you for your use of the word Nigger, please share this article.

Niggers ain’t shit.

(((your inner

House niggers/field niggers

Gray nigger bitch syndrome

Non-violence springs from love, cowardice from hate

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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