The Gray Nigger Bitch

Is it a syndrome, who is she and is she any good for white folk? Why should I be anything the gray nigger bitch...

The Gray Nigger Bitch Syndrome advices black people to fit in to being white people. She’s a self proclaimed wizard, usually highly educated, so called accomplished, high yellow in color and goes around telling other niggers not to classify themselves as niggers. She thinks she has acquired all those qualities which places her above the rest of us. She says classifying yourself as a nigger is detrimental to all you want to be, as a matter of fact, that is why you are failing.

She explains you should not relish in nor be happy about being “the first nigger” because that gives them reason to continue pitting us against each other. Anyhow, she goes on to explain how you should deny your blackness, anything to do with color as you pursue your goals in life.

With my dumb self, I almost accepted this and at the time did not know how to intelligently respond, but I felt this was something rubbing me the wrong way. How is that being different from what already is? How, why do I go apply for a loan which deny all the other people of my race?  Isn’t this what we’re all fighting? Why do I feel good about being the only one, yet not able to help my neighbor? Why did they approve me, while denying everything that looks like me? How is denying who I am different from what already is?

The Grey Nigger Bitch is "the new Uncle Tom" and does not want to be Black, White nor Other, so for whom does she stand? If you do not stand for something you will fall for anything. Can a lion ever be a deer?

Speaking through alias, why do I need an alias through whom to speak? What is that saying about my state of being? How many people am I to me? Why can't I just be me? 

I should be happy about my color and because of what happened to people of my color certain emotions are automatically evoked when everybody knows who they are. Everybody recognizes a snake. Why should a zebra have to pretend to be a dog? A zebra should not have to apologize for its stripes. It’s not the zebras with the problem; it’s those who want zebras to be something other than what they are to trick them to go where they want them to go.

Must I deny being a woman in order to get what men have? Must a woman dress like, act like be educated as a man in order to be a better woman? Is that what our society says or is that what we’re accepting? Peer pressure is a mother and I need to do something to help change this and when people do not know what to do, they fall prey to peer pressure. The journey in life

The grey nigger bitch is one who has negatively criticized niggers for taking advantage of all programs established in their behalf. Why should I be embarrassed about receiving food stamps when they weren't embarrassed about enslaving or whipping my ass?

Everything we get is negatively labeled and how we’re pitted against each other. Our schools, businesses, men, social events, communities, language… whatever we do is never good enough for the Gray Nigger Bitch. Then she goes and finds other weak minded black folk and converts them to Gray Nigger Bitches.  

Everything the Gray Nigger Bitch does is to the appeasement of white folk, which are the wrong people to whom to appease- assimilation at its best. We want to be any and everything but self, while self is the only one who knows.

There are certain things on this earth which are divinely mine and the only way someone else can get them is I give them to them and that is the power over me. Why should my skin color be of concern for the necessities of life? Why must I twist them to be entitled to what every other human being is entitled?

I've learned no matter what I do, the world still sees me for me, so why should I see any less, rough and smooth. Are they perfect, without flaw? Do they speak or write perfect English? Do they even tell the truth? Are they telling me what I need to know?

I didn’t have to be a slave; I was just scared to death to defend my honor and in the meanwhile someone took the advantage. I’m a human being demanding I be treated as such and that is the greatest of respect and appreciation.

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