The Word Nigger

Words people kill about and why...

What's the worse thing you ever called your spouse, your children?

More fights started over the use of this word. Just because you have a male or female organ does that make you a male or female? More fights have been started over … It ain’t what you call a person as much as it is how you behave.

Are you offended by that word, why? Do you intend to offend, are you trying to degrade? What do they call it when one party degrades the other?

Of all the names people have called you, why keep adding to the list? Does an animal care what name you call it, as long as it is associated with good.

More fights have been started over the use of this word than any other. So, why do you keep allowing the nigger word to upset you? Are you a crybaby? It ain’t what they said, it how they behaved.

People say you disrespected my wife. There have been more fights over disrespecting people’s wives than any other reason. Defending the honor of your wife, women have got us going don’t they? Is that payback for women rights issues?

Sexual harassment and now you don’t know what sex a person is?

My ma and pa have called me a lot of names, including the word NIGGER, was I offended?

(((your inner

American Cry Babies

Some Niggers you can't deal with? 

YOUR inner voice

Right here, Right now.


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