
What are my community responsibilities?

If it takes a village to raise a child what is my job?

Are our communities in need of a major transformation? In our communities are we really doing what we are supposed to? Why or why not? Do we just prey upon community members or are we really concerned and helping community members? Like share-cropping do we just give them enough to keep community members in debt to us?

When I talk about my farm idea, people often remind me of "a commune". What I have heard about communes does not sound like a good description, but yes, kinda soughta that is my idea. What kind of community should I build at this age?

Although communes are most frequently associated with the hippie movement—the "back-to-the-land" ventures of the 1960s and 1970s—there is a long history of communes in America. Andrew Jacobs of The New York Times wrote that after decades of contraction, the American commune movement has been expanding since the mid-1990's, spurred by the growth of settlements that seek to marry the utopian-minded commune of the 1960's with the American predilection for privacy and capital appreciation. Even though we want the same thing (money), I would want to use mine in a different way. I do not need another shopping mall on highway 40 going north.

My idea of a community is a commune. My commune definition is an intentional community of people living together, sharing common interests, property, possessions, resources, work, and income. Is that not what our communities should be doing? People are there because they are prospering, not because they can not go anywhere else. They are free and made to feel free. They do not owe me anything. Well, why do they call mine a commune and theirs a community?

There are all sorts of communities, but are they really working? What about when you look at the bigger picture? Are we really informing and engaging our communities? Are we really investing in the vitality of our communities or is it just a certain side of town? Are we helping our communities reach their highest potential?

Where is the transformation? Where are the prudent investments and careful management? Just where do poor people go for help? Just where are the really good deals?

Information is a core community need. All citizens need information, but not information overload. We want to ensure all citizens get the information they need to thrive in a democracy and act in their own best interest.

I do not feel them. I do not see them? Just may be I do not know where to look? It just seems like everyone is out for themselves. Who can you trust? What can you afford to do? What does it take to build happy, healthy and prosperous communities?

Today, I was down at the River Green Way in my town and there was an interesting group from Georgia College and State University. Guess what they were doing? They were cleaning our river, the Oconee, the life blood of our communities. The place from which comes our drinking water. You would have been amazed at some of the junk they found... thank God, there were no dead bodies.

Building and maintaining happy, healthy communities,,,Do you even know what is going on in my side of town? Do you care? Why is the information one way communications, evil to good? Information is a core community need.

Now, just what does it take to help bring about this transformation? Relationships! For the whole law is summed up in a single commandment, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."--Galatians 5:14

Community Involvement?

(((your inner

living in a safe community

Rural communities

Thriving Communities and Good Neighbors

Child Molestation at epidemic levels in America?

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