7 Girl Types to Avoid (4)

Miss Mama’s Girl

She’s sweet, affectionate and understanding. Unfortunately, she’s still hung up on another man – her mother. Not exactly the threesome you might have had in mind.

Mom still influences her professional decisions, her investment portfolio, where she lives, who she votes for. Project into the future and you can count on her influencing everything – from where you buy a home to how you raise your children.

And if you push her to choose sides, guess who loses? Yep, that would be you.

How she’ll lure you in: Any woman who loves her mother will know how to treat a man?

If you’ve been involved with girls who've been great in romancing you, but haven't had an emotional connection and then you meet someone who cares about how men feel, that can be really attractive.

Spot her before you’re hooked: She compares you to her parents – and you come up short every time. The real test may come around Valentine’s Day: If you’re alone because she’s taken Mom out for a candlelit dinner, cut her loose.

At the most intimate level of her heart, she still loves Mom as much or more than you.

7-Girl-Types-to-Avoid (5)

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