God’s Steps To Healing

Loneliness or The Broken Heart

1. FORGIVENESS - The act of excusing or pardoning another in spite of his/her slights, shortcomings, or errors.

Psalm 51, Psalm 32, Ephesians 4:32, Isaiah 38:17, Isaiah 55:7, Hebrews 10:17

1.1. Forgive yourself and ask God to forgive you. Psalms 103:12, Matthew 6:12.

Offended with God or blame God for what ever reason. Consciously or unconsciously you think something bad that happen is God’s Fault.

1.2. You are offended or angry with God and you turned your back on him because he didn’t bless you for doing things your way. 2Samuel 6:6-9

1.2.1. You are in a bear trap, which is a dangerous place to be.

1.2.2. You are not in the presence of God, you are in the trap of death and destruction.

1.2.3. Don’t make a decision based on an offense or when offended. 2Samuel 6:10

1.2.4. You miss God’s blessings. Your intended blessings will go to someone else. 2Samuel 6:11

1.2.5. You can’t afford to miss the presence and blessings of God. 2Samuel 6:12

1.2.6. Humble yourself before God, repent, ask for forgiveness, obey God and do things his way. 2Samuel 6:13-17

1.3. You must forgive others, even if you feel your resentment is justified. Make it a continual daily practice. Set your will to forgive. Matthew 5:44-45, Matthew 6:14-15, Colossians 3:12-15, Luke 11:4. There is no limit on forgiveness, it is a continual process. Matthew 18:21-35, Luke 17:1-4.

1.4. Forgiveness is showing brotherly love.

1.4.1. Pray for them daily until you feel yourself being cleansed, your body healed or a weight lifted. 1Peter 3:9

1.4.2. When you pray for their salvation, you are overcoming evil with good.

1.4.3. Now you are learning about redemption, the ultimate form of forgiveness.

1.4.4. God will not bless an evil doer until he or she repents, then you will have won a new brother or sister to the Lord. Matthew 5:43-48, 2Corinthians, 2:5-11, 1John 2:10.

1.5. Unforgiveness is an emotional prison that takes your mind and spirit captive.

1.6. If you don’t forgive you will not have joy or peace. Your thoughts become negative and cynical.

1.7. If you don’t forgive, you give that person power over you. You are allowing them to hold your mind captive. And you are allowing them to control you.

1.8. Unforgiveness blocks your relationship with God. He will not hear or answer your prayers. Matthew 5:23-25, Mark 11:24-26,

1.8.1. You miss your healing when you hold on to an offense and don’t forgive.

1.8.2. You are not in God’s presence, therefore you miss his blessings.

1.8.3. You can’t afford to miss the presence of God.

1.8.4. It blocks your miracles from God.

1.9. God’s forgiveness of us demands that we forgive others. Ephesians 4:26, Mark 3:1-5, Luke 6:37, Acts 5:29-31.

1.10. True forgiveness: you will not slander, you will not speak evil, you will not seek revenge, you will repent of evil thoughts. Acts 8:22.

1.11. When you obey God, forgive and confess your sins you be come clean. 2King 5:1, 2King 5:9-14.

1.12. A forgiving spirit shows that one is a true follower of Christ. Mark 11:25, Luke 23:24, Luke 23:34.

1.13. Christ has the authority to forgive your sins if we confess them. Matthew 1:21, Matthew 9:2-6, Matthew 12:31, Mark 2:9-10, Mark 3:28, Luke 7:47-48, Hebrews 9:11, Hebrews 10:18, Colossians 1:14, 1John 1:7-9.

1.14. Just as Jesus Christ has the authority to forgive sins if you confess them; Jesus is the avenue by which you can be saved; If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. Romans 10:9-13.


Heal - To make sound or whole. To restore to health. To mend. To cause and undesirable condition to be overcome. To patch up a breach or division. To restore to original purity or integrity. To return to a sound state.

Health - The condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit. Freedom from physical disease or pain.

Comfort - Strengthening aid; Assistance; Support; Consolation in time of trouble or worry; One that gives or brings a feeling of relief or encouragement; Contented well-being. A satisfying or enjoyable experience. Strengthen greatly. To give strength and hope to.

Lonely - Being without company. Cut off from others. Not frequented by human beings. Sad from being alone.

By accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior, and forgiving; you are setting the condition of being of sound mind, body and spirit.

By allowing God to change you and the situation, instead of you trying to change the situation yourself, your healing takes place.

A. Healthy Spirit - Accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior brings healing.

B. Healthy Mind - Forgive and Love brings continual healing

C. Healthy Body - You have Strength; You feel better; You feel love; You feel joy and peace.


If God created a woman so man would not be lonely, that lets you know loneliness is not part of his plan. He wants us to share our lives with other people. But a relationship with God is first and foremost. A relationship with God is the solid foundation of all other relationships. Genesis 2:18, John 14:16,

Steps To Overcoming loneliness:

3.1. Invite Jesus Christ to Be Lord and Savior. When we accept Jesus as the son of God, God becomes our Heavenly Father. Romans 10:9-13, John 14:27.

3.2. Admit The Problem (To God That You Are Lonely).

3.3. Consider The Causes. (Evaluate Your Life Honestly).

3.4. Accept What Cannot Be Changed. (Death, Relocation) God can use transition to open doors to new experiences, but we must ask God to help us let go of the past and move on. Acknowledge that you can’t do it without God’s help.

3.5. Alter What Can Be Changed.

3.5.1. Do You fear rejection?

3.5.2. Do You feel inadequate? Stop Destructive Talk. See Yourself The Way God See You.

3.6.2. Have You Been Abandoned?

3.6. Develop New Habits. (Builds Strength, Self Esteem, That Build Up Your Inner Self.

3.7. Pray. Through prayer and daily bible reading, we experience fellowship with God. Isaiah 58:9, Philippians 4:6-7.

3.8. Confess The Word Of God. Psalm 68:4-6, Isaiah 32:17, Isaiah 57:18-19, Zephaniah 3:17-19.

3.9. If you are not a member of a church, ask God to lead you to a Church family.

3.10. Get Prayer.

3.11. Become involved in church activities.

3.12. Get Out of The House. (Walk, Take a Class, Attend Activities, Help others) 3.13. Stay Busy. (Volunteer)

3.14. Seek God’s Purpose For Your Life and Ask him for the courage to reach out to others.

3.15. Give compliments and be thoughtful, Be a good listener, don‘t give unsolicited advice.

4. JESUS HEALS THE BROKEN HEART: Jesus changes situations and circumstances.

1. Psalm 34:17-18

2. Psalm 147:3

3. Isaiah 61:1-2

5. NOW THAT YOU HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD, START YOUR DAY OFF WITH PRAYER: Matthew 6:9-13, Psalm 23, and Ephesians 6:10-20.




8.1. Love your neighbor as yourself. If you don’t love yourself how can you love your neighbor. When you become healthy; you will feel better, you will look better and you will feel better about yourself.

8.2. Become spiritually, emotionally and physically healthy by changing yourself.

8.3. Pray for the other person (s) who may have offended you.

8.4. God will make the change in the other person (s), you can’t change them.

8.5. Regulation of Diet - Most of the laws about food consumption are included in the first 5 books of the Old Testament. Genesis 2:9-10, Leviticus 11

8.6. Proper Hygiene - Makes a person, smell good, look good and feel good.

8.7. Stay away from Sexual Perversion - affects a person emotionally as well as physically.

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