Vision, Goals, Objectives

Lonely Heart Ministry


During the holiday seasons (New Year’s. Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas) it’s the time of year when so many people are sad because they are suffering from: loneliness, depression, broken hearts, hopelessness, alienation and the loss of a love one through abandonment, separation, divorce and death; which leads to health problems and suicide.

I want to let people know Jesus will be with them to comfort them if they let him.


To strengthen, restore, and heal the broken hearted. And allow Jesus Christ to mend people lonely and/or broken hearts.

To help reduce and eliminate: suffering, loneliness, depression, broken hearts, the feeling of alienation, separation, divorce, abandonment, health problems, and suicide; by giving people an alternative, Jesus Christ.

To strengthen individuals and families by showing them God‘s way to achieve peace and harmony in relationships and marriages.

To show that Jesus Christ is the Way to provide permanent solutions to problems, situations and circumstances.

To provide opportunities for people of all background to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior;


  1. To show that Jesus Christ can heal the lonely and broken hearted.

  2. Show how Jesus Christ will take away the loneliness and replace it with, joy, peace and a presence of love.

  3. Show people how to develop a real relationship with God the Father, through Jesus Christ.

  4. To show how talking to others may not always provide sound or Godly advice.

  5. To show ways to avoid and eliminate loneliness, depression, hopelessness.

  6. To show God’s original design for relationship and marriage.

  7. To provide Biblical solutions to problems and/or circumstances.

  8. To show that the Laws of God work for everyone.

    Tips or suggestions:

    • Don’t sit at home alone. Surround your self with family and friends.

    • Don’t give yourself time or room to think about being alone.

    • Stay as busy as necessary so you don’t have time to think about you.

    • Try to focus on and helping others.

    • Keep a journal. Log you daily conversations with the Lord and of your pray request. When they are answered check it off with the date and time answered.

    • Make sure you spend time in prayer early in the morning. Put God first.

    • Take time to hear from God. Write down what he gives you with the date and time given.

    • When you don’t see the answer, stand by faith that God is working the situation out and he will manifest the answer in his time.

    • Continue to pray daily.

    • If you reach a point where you can’t pray, just read your Bible, start with Psalm 51 & Psalm 32. Then read other praise Psalms.

    • Set aside a time monthly to fast and pray. Spending time in God’s word and with God, fast and pray 3 days if possible.
Prayer and praise each morning before beginning your work, God will lead, guide and direct your day.

Ask God to order your steps daily.

Ask God to remove the people from your life that don’t mean you any good. Especially if those people are the sons or daughters of perdition and cannot or will not accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

And ask God to put people in your life that want and are willing to accept Jesus Christ and Lord and Savior.

God's Ordained Marriage

God's Steps To Healing A Broken Heart

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