State Capitol 2011 w/Senator Donzella JamesWhat’s under the golden dome?![]() As I visit my State Capitol, I give special thanks to Mr. John Ross and Senator Donzella James of the 35th State Senate District. My thoughts are Ambassador for the State of Georgia and Beauty. Extraordinary beauty comes with two sides, one immediately appeals to our senses and the other is immediately repulsed and “UGLY”. Beauty goes without saying, but ugly comes with inherent issues, a strong sense of responsibility and a need to be addressed. Who and why focus on the ugly? Many of our leaders and society are so fascinated by external beauty we overlook inherent dangers lying within or just beneath the surface. In our ignorance or desire to escape our inherent responsibilities, we fail to realize and understand what’s really being presented to us and out of guilt, we hide behind external beauty. We justify our cowardly actions by saying, it matters not and/or it does no good to recognize the ugly side of beauty. That attitude is very dangerous and irresponsible because in addition to further exposing yourself, you expose “a whole society” to obvious and inherent dangers which could have been easily avoided. Hence, a people, society and world is more vulnerable. Life and the world as we know it becomes a dangerous and horrible death trap. Once trapped, we emerge more battered and bruised due to our own ignorance. As a result, we close ourselves off to the good we could have done and much of the enjoyment life and the world has to offer. Then and again we post a beautiful front disguising those inherent dangers, which equates to resetting the death trap. Not with Senator James! From her, I learned the importance of not being fooled by what is seen on the surface. If something is so appealing to you, examine it closer making sure not to miss the full meaning and value of what’s actually unfolding before you. In doing that, you will discover your real purpose in life. Instead of fear, your life will be increasingly filled with meaning and greater sense of purpose. You won’t run away from opportunities to help, but run to them, helping you, your society and world avoid many of the dangerous pitfalls of life and the world. Senator James is a very profound person, leader, teacher and mentor. With a Servants Heart, she is commended for her dedication, moral and ethical courage to “the least of them”. Senator James is a valuable asset to her community and a resource for all to come, join and support her efforts. She is a global voice with a life changing experience, vision and blessing for connecting the bridges. Visit the Senator's personal website at Donzella James for Senate.com (((Your inner voice.com))) Additionally, my visit included: Georgia Charter Education Foundation Empower your website with Customized Applications and Website Development The Best Educational Experience IAW CAU Promoting Communications and Fellowship, Global Vision Ministries Inc. |